Welcome back to the SNARCHY, a libertarian platform founded in 1968 (previously the Penny Post) covering politics, economics and current events.
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This week we are uploading a fascinating documentary - interview with Anna Mendelssohn who was associated with the Angry Brigade.
The Angry Brigade was an anarchist terrorist group who carried out a series of bomb attacks in England between 1970 and 1972. Their small-scale, but frequent campaigns targeted banks, embassies, a BBC Outside Broadcast vehicle, and the homes of Conservative MPs. In total, 25 bombings were attributed to the Angry Brigade. The bombings caused mainly damage to property. Members of the brigade were brought to trial in one of Britain's longest running trails. Of the eight people who stood trial, known as the Stoke Newington Eight, four were acquitted. John Barker, along with Hilary Creek, Anna Mendelssohn and Jim Greenfield, were convicted on majority verdicts, and sentenced to ten years.
The documentary was made shortly before the trial began.
Here is the video:
Students of the English language will love this: the World's only Anarchist language course!
Even if you already speak the language, come and support us as we take on the corporate and statist giants. Language is, of course, humanity's greatist anarchist invention. It's made by the people, decentralised, democratic and non-authoritarian.
Help us take it back from the state and put libertarian education back on the map.
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